Olympia High School is the oldest high school in Olympia and is set in the very walkable South Capital neighborhood. The Olympia High School Community, are dedicated to personal excellence and responsible citizenship. They have more programs than any other neighborhood high school in the district.
- April 9, 2025, 6-7:30pm
- 8:55am-3:25pm
- 8:55am-2:35pm (early release Wednesday)
- 8:55am-12:00pm (half day)
SUPPLY LIST(2024-25):
- BREAKFAST: $2.75
- LUNCH: $4.00
- MILK (A LA CARTE): $.60
- Oly Bears: $230 – OlyBear Preschool was established in 1979 as a learning lab for the Olympia High School ECE (Early Childhood Education) program. Children learn with and from their high-school buddies, exploring art, science, literacy, and movement.
- Life Skills Program: The Life Skills program provides self-contained special education classrooms for students with profound disabilities.
- Freedom Farmers: 9-12
- AP (Advanced Placement): The Advanced Placement (AP) program offers students the opportunity to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. It also gives them the opportunity to show they have mastered the advanced material by taking AP exams.
- AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination): The AVID class is a college preparatory elective that supports students in achieving their college dreams. AVID is designed in high school to be a four year program that helps students develop the skills they need to succeed in college, and supports students in taking challenging high school courses In elementary & middle school, AVID helps students learn about communication, organization, self-advocacy, & study habits.
- CTE (Career & Technical Education): CTE classes offer students hands-on experiences in many career areas, including Applied Arts & Technology, Business & Manufacturing, and Medicine.
- OlyBears – Oly Bear Preschool is managed by the Olympia High School and Career/Technical Education teams. The Preschool was established in 1979 as a learning lab for the Olympia High School ECE program.
- College in High School (CiHS): CiHS is a dual-credit program that allows students to simultaneously earn both high school credit and college credit while taking courses offered in high school.
- Running Start: Running Start is a program designed for juniors and seniors who choose to enroll in Community College in order to earn college and high school credit simultaneously for courses completed.
- Football, Cheer, Boys Cross Country, Girls Cross Country, Girls Golf, Drill, Girls Soccer, Girls Swimming, Boys Tennis, Volleyball, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Bowling, Gymnastics, Boys Swimming, Boys Wrestling, Girls Wrestling, Baseball, Boys Soccer, Fastpitch, Girls Tennis, Boys Track, Girls Track, Unified Soccer, Boys Golf.