The Olympia School District offers a variety of Early Childhood programs. Educational and family support services are available to children from birth to kindergarten age.
- CIS (Preschool with Community Integrated Supports) – CIS is the least intensive special education preschool model available in the Olympia School District. Services may be provided by a Special Education teacher and paraprofessional in the student’s community-based regular early childhood program.
- GRADES: Preschool.
- TYPE: Special Education/Early Learning.
- TUITION: No tuition charged for Special Education services.
- LOCATIONS: Services provided in community-based early childhood programs.
- Developmental Preschool – Developmental Preschool is an integrated Special Education preschool program designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities.
- GRADES: Preschool.
- TYPE: Special Education.
- TUITION: No tuition charged for Special Education services. $265/mo. (2024-25) for Community Peers.. Reduced tuition for families who meet free and reduced lunch criteria is $75 monthly payments
- LOCATIONS: Hansen, McKenny, Garfield, McLane & Roosevelt Elementary Schools.
- Early Support Services – Early Support Services provides services to families of children with disabilities from birth up to age 3. Services are primarily provided through a family coaching model.
- LEVEL: Birth-age 3.
- TYPE: Special Education.
- LOCATION: Home and community-based services.
- Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP) – ECEAP (pronounced “E-Cap”) offers no-cost part-day and full-day preschool and family support options to eligible children and families.
- GRADES: Preschool.
- TYPE: Financial & Environmental Assistance Program.
- LOCATIONS: Garfield & McLane Elementary Schools. Email for more information.
- Intensive Preschool – This program is highly structured, offers a high staff-to-student ratio, has opportunities for full-day services, and offers less access to non-disabled peers than Developmental Preschool. It utilizes an ABA (applied behavior analysis) approach.
- GRADES: Preschool.
- TYPE: Special Education and Community Peers.
- TUITION: No tuition charged for Special Education services. $265/mo. (2024-25) for Community Peers. Reduced tuition for families who meet free and reduced lunch criteria is $75 monthly payments.
- LOCATIONS: Hansen & McKenny Elementary Schools.
- OlyBears – OlyBear Preschool was established in 1979 as a learning lab for the Olympia High School ECE (Early Childhood Education) program. Children learn with and from their high-school buddies, exploring art, science, literacy, and movement.
- GRADES: Preschool.
- TYPE: Early Learning.
- TUITION: $230/mo. (2024-25)
- LOCATION: Olympia High School.
- REGISTRATION: Registration for the 2025-26 school year will be on Wednesday March 19 at 5:30.
- TK (Transition to Kindergarten) – TK provides free full-day schooling for students who are not already participating in a regular early childhood program. This program is designed to support students who face barriers to future school success.