Thurgood Marshall Middle School is 30 years old, making it the newest middle school in the Olympia School District.The school believes that service opportunities help students learn empathy, compassion, build character, values, as well as social and leadership skills. Students build self-esteem and learn about hands-on career possibilities for their futures.
- 9:10am-3:40pm
- 9:10am-2:50pm (early release Wednesday)
- 9:10am-12:15pm (half day)
SUPPLY LIST (2024-25):
- BREAKFAST: $2.75
- LUNCH: $4.00
- MILK (A LA CARTE): $.60
- AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination): The AVID class is a college preparatory elective that supports students in achieving their college dreams. AVID is designed in high school to be a four year program that helps students develop the skills they need to succeed in college, and supports students in taking challenging high school courses In elementary & middle school, AVID helps students learn about communication, organization, self-advocacy, & study habits.
- CSI (Citizen Science Institute): The mission of CSI is to develop youth leadership in science through field-based science investigations and civic literacy through action projects. Students collaborate with scientists outside the classroom to apply the skills and concepts they have learned to real world projects.
- Girls Volleyball, Boys Soccer, Co-Ed Cross Country, Girls Basketball, Boys Volleyball, Boys Basketball, Girls Soccer, Track & Field.
- For the CSI Program, bus stops at Madison, Roosevelt, Lincoln, and Garfield elementary schools, Washington middle school, and ORLA.