OSD4All Legislative Hub

OSD4All Legislative Hub

Thank you for your interest in supporting legislative action to fully fund basic education!

This session we will be working to identify and support legislation, amendments, and budget requests that will provide the Olympia School District and Washington state with more resources to fully fund basic education as it is constitutionally mandated.

This year is a biennial legislative session where lawmakers will focus on addressing the state budget, key policy issues, and significant legislative priorities. These sessions, lasting roughly 105 days, move at a brisk pace with lawmakers juggling complex legislation. Odd-numbered years emphasize budget and fiscal planning, while even-numbered years often handle policy refinement. Given Governor-Elect Ferguson’s released budget priorities, this is shaping up to be a monumental session for education funding! He has prioritized no cuts to education and is calling for increases to basic education. These are priorities we can stand behind!

Read about bills we are tracking

Here are some ways you can help: 

  • Subscribe to email updates from the House Education Committee and the Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee.  This will alert you to the bills that have been scheduled for action in the relevant committees.   
  • Sign up for alerts about the status of individual bills on the bill information website.  

Join our check-ins on Mondays at 8pm (30 minutes). They start Monday January 20th

📅 When: Mondays at 8:00 PM

📍 Where: ONLINE at https://meet.google.com/hid-jhzt-qee by phone at 478-845-4762 and enter this PIN: 593 439 328#

When priority bills are scheduled for a public hearing, make your voice heard by testifying, submitting written testimony, or signing in your position.  

  • Testify:  Register to testify in person or by zoom.  The deadline to sign up is one hour before the meeting.  Expect about 2 minutes of airtime.  It’s important to introduce yourself and be respectful.  Sharing a personal story is helpful, if you’re comfortable. 
  • Submit written testimony:  If you aren’t available to testify or don’t feel comfortable, you can submit written testimony up to 24 hours after the hearing.  
  • Sign in: Signing in “pro” or “con” depending on the bill helps show the breadth of support for a bill.  
  • Register for Senate hearings here. You will then choose the bill you would like to register a position for.
  • Register for House hearings here. You will then choose the bill you would like to register a position for.

You will also receive action emails from OSD4ALL. We want to make sure you know when and how to get your voice heard!

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