Legislative Check-In
ONLINE at https://meet.google.com/hid-jhzt-qee by phone at 478-845-4762 and enter this PIN: 593 439 328#Go
ONLINE at https://meet.google.com/hid-jhzt-qee by phone at 478-845-4762 and enter this PIN: 593 439 328#Go
Consent Agenda: Multilingual Services & Migrant Education Program Report
Outcome 4 Monitoring Report
ONLINE at https://meet.google.com/hid-jhzt-qee by phone at 478-845-4762 and enter this PIN: 593 439 328#
ONLINE at https://meet.google.com/hid-jhzt-qee by phone at 478-845-4762 and enter this PIN: 593 439 328#
Special Recognition: National Board Certified Teachers
Proclamation: Volunteer Week & Teacher Appreciation Week
2025-26 Budget Update
ONLINE at https://meet.google.com/hid-jhzt-qee by phone at 478-845-4762 and enter this PIN: 593 439 328#
ONLINE at https://meet.google.com/hid-jhzt-qee by phone at 478-845-4762 and enter this PIN: 593 439 328#
2025-2026 Preliminary Budget
Outcome 1 Monitoring Report
Special Recognition: Employee Recognition Awards
Proclamation: Pride Month
Consent Agenda: Highly Capable Report
24-25 Professional Learning Work Plan Outcomes & 25-26 Staff Professional Learning Work Plan
Outgoing Student Reps Appreciation & Graduations