JOLT News Publishes Two Articles Highlighting OSD Board Dysfunction
School closure discussions still a topic in Olympia We had this moment at the end of April where the long conversation that we had as …
OSD Board Meeting
Consent Agenda: Walk to School Month
2024-2025 Enrollment Update/First Day of School Report
OSD Board members air grievances about overheard comment
I feel like I have done nothing but apologize for a year and a half for a mistake I made. I made it. I’ve apologized. I’ve done the …
Tensions flare at Olympia School Board summer retreat
I just don’t think, in my own personal experience, that I’ve ever been a part of a process where I had greater political and personal …
Democracy Requires Adamant Participation
CONGRATULATIONS, MADISON ELEMENTARY! First, a HUGE congratulations for winning the coveted Best of South Sound Award for BEST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL two years in a row! Our entire …