Dare to Lead
Dare to Lead

Dare to Lead

According to the Board Work Session Schedule, at 6pm this Thursday:

Cognitive Consultancy LLC, will provide a customized leadership training for OSD School Board Members based on the mission, vision, and values of this organization and grounded in the most effective research based leadership practices. 

This training will integrate the current research of Dr. Brené Brown, and the Dare to LeadTM curriculum, which is an empirically based leadership skill building program designed to strengthen an organization. 

Participants will receive: 

  • Access to 2 videos from Dr. Brené Brown. 
  • Instruction from a Certified Dare to LeadTM Facilitator and Cognitive Coach who’s facilitated over 100 successful Dare to Lead events & has over 40 years of teaching experience. 
  • Follow up individual and group coaching sessions for integration of core concepts and skills. 
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