In the final board meeting of 2024, the board deviated from its usual practice of rotating Vice President appointments by district. Instead, District 2 representative Jess Tourtellotte-Palumbo was chosen for the Vice President, bypassing the historical rotation process that starts with District 1 (Director Maria Flores) and ends with District 5 (President Scott Clifthorne).
In previous years, the Vice President traditionally ascended to the role of President, with the next director in line—based on district order (#1-5)—becoming the new Vice President. Following this pattern, with President Seidel (District #4) stepping down, Vice President Clifthorne (District #5) would move up to President, and Director Flores (District #1) would step into the Vice President role. This however was not the outcome for yesterday’s re-org. We urge the community to write to the Board and Superintendent Murphy and ask why the Board chose to change this historically understood process.
Budget Deep Dive
Executive Director of Finance, Kate Davis, went over the 2023-24 budget and actuals. The district is sitting well financially and the board asked questions about potential vulnerabilities.