JOLT News Publishes Two Articles Highlighting OSD Board Dysfunction
JOLT News Publishes Two Articles Highlighting OSD Board Dysfunction

JOLT News Publishes Two Articles Highlighting OSD Board Dysfunction

School closure discussions still a topic in Olympia

We had this moment at the end of April where the long conversation that we had as a group of leaders and administration and community about school closures resulted in us saying it’s off the table. And in the context of that conversation, we also said that part of the work going forward was doing work on developing a shared analysis … on a go-forward basis, what are the triggers that would cause us to even dream of having this conversation again?”

– OSD Board Vice President, Scott Clifthorne

This is part four of JOLT News multipart story on the Olympia School District Board Retreat in Belfair on August 10th.

OSD director condemns colleagues’ negative treatment, community criticizes board’s behavior

I witnessed the press and the public being told to be quiet, and then having a speaker played loudly so that they could not hear what was happening. And this meeting occurred outside of Olympia, far from our constituents.”

– OSD Board Director, Maria Flores

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