Elementary Programs & Alternative Schools

Elementary Programs & Alternative Schools

Olympia offers a range of alternative, highly capable, and special education programs throughout the district for children in grades K-5. From mixed grade classrooms to Montessori, this is what the district has to offer.

  • ALPS (Advanced Early Learning Program) – ALPS is a multi-age class where students explore grade level standards in depth. There is an emphasis on meeting the unique social and emotional needs of the students through Second Step, collaborative group work, and independent tasks. The program celebrates the strengths and challenges of the students by providing differentiated assignments with an open approach to learning.
    • GRADES: 4-5.
    • TYPE: Highly Capable.
    • LOCATION: Roosevelt Elementary School.
  • AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) – The AVID class is a college preparatory elective that supports students in achieving their college dreams. AVID is designed in high school to be a four year program that helps students develop the skills they need to succeed in college, and supports students in taking challenging high school courses In elementary & middle school, AVID helps students learn about communication, organization, self-advocacy, & study habits.
  • DLC (Developmental Learning Classroom) – The DLC Program serves students with moderate cognitive delays.
  • GROW – GROW is a Special Education behavior program located only at Roosevelt Elementary school.
    • GRADES: K-5.
    • TYPE: Special Education.
    • LOCATION: Roosevelt Elementary School.
  • HAP (Hansen Alternative Program) – HAP’s mission is to bind children, teachers and parents together in a progressive educational environment. This setting enhances a child’s love of discovery and learning, while developing academic and social skills at an individualized pace.
    • GRADES: K-5.
    • TYPE: Alternative.
    • LOCATION: Hansen Elementary School.
  • hConnect (Homeschool Connect) – ORLA’s hConnect program is a partnership between educational staff and homeschooling families. Caregivers act as the primary educator in a homeschooling role, and ORLA provides educational opportunities for students.
  • Life Skills Program – The Life Skills program provides self-contained special education classrooms for students with profound disabilities.
    • GRADES: K-12
    • TYPE: Special Education.
    • LOCATION: McLane Elementary School, Olympia & Capital High Schools, Integrated into DLC at Jefferson Middle School.
  • Lincoln Options – The purpose of education at the Options Program is to develop in young people the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to become active participants in a democratic society, working towards a just and caring sustainable global community.
    • GRADES: K-5.
    • TYPE: Alternative.
    • LOCATION: Lincoln Elementary School.
  • MORE (More Opportunities for Education & Enrichment) – The Garfield M.O.R.E. Program takes place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:22-4:20. Each session runs for approximately six weeks and students must register. Classes include sports, art, crafts, music.
    • GRADES: K-5.
    • TYPE: After School.
    • LOCATION: Garfield Elementary School.
  • ORLA Montessori – Developed in the early 1900’s by Maria Montessori and used internationally in schools for over 80 years, Montessori is a comprehensive educational approach designed to help each individual child reach their full potential at their own unique pace.
  • ORLA Online – The ORLA Online program is a flexible option for students and families seeking more choice over the time and location with which they participate in learning. This can include a full schedule of online courses or a mix of online and in-person learning.
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