Our community stood behind our schools and students when they needed it the most, and they continue to show their support.
Olympia has shown up and advocated for our schools, and we will do it again if there is no plan for our district to thrive. We will be effective partners in our children’s education, and need OSD to create the programming our community needs and that will attract even more families.

Principals & Teacher Librarians should not be fractionalized at the cost of our students’ welfare. The 2024 Budget Survey shows Central Office Administration consistently as the lowest ranking priority, yet the 2024-25 school year budget shows Central Administration at the District Office is taking cuts from two retired employees and a furlough that saves only $68,000. With raises proposed to the District Office, the furlough IS STILL A RAISE!
Let’s Stay Focused on Solutions!
Programs like Early Learning change the trajectory for children. They lay the foundation for school readiness by building the cognitive and social skills children need to do well in school and in life, including language, attentiveness, persistence, kindness, and self-regulation, making our Student Outcomes easier to achieve.