!["WE HAVE JUST COME OUT OF OUR HISTORIC PANDEMIC AND WE'RE HAVING HISTORIC INFLATION. RIGHT NOW AT THIS MOMENT FEELS LIKE THE TIPPING POINT, not just for our school district, but for pretty much every single school district in the State of Washington to be able to bring forward, as a collective, that this is not a single school district concern, but that this is a statewide concern, and to be able to elevate the legislature their failure to commit to continuing to fund basic education. […] We are at a tipping point for these policy things being funded fully by the State. So I feel hopeful in the sense that we have made a realistic budget. I don't think that we are pushing too hard on or creating sort of false extra ending fund balances like we may have in the past. We're being very realistic and transparent with the public, and we're signaling very early, in a different way than we ever have in my time on the board."
-- Olympia School District Board Director, Maria Flores, on the first reading of the 2024-25 budget](https://osd4all.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/maria-quote-1024x1024.png)
This June 27th Public Hearing from 6pm to 6:30pm will be followed by a regular board meeting at 6:30pm. The sign-up form will be used for either or both forms. Sign up and have your voice heard!
This June 27th Public Hearing from 6pm to 6:30pm will be followed by a regular board meeting at 6:30pm. The sign-up form will be used for either or both forms. Sign up and have your voice heard!