Fractionalize Where it Makes the Least Impact!
Fractionalize Where it Makes the Least Impact!

Fractionalize Where it Makes the Least Impact!

The Olympia School District 2024-25 budget is proposing to fractionalize the time of Teacher Librarians & Principals that affects primarily low-income, English-learning, non-white students!

Central Administration at the District Office is only taking cuts from retired employees and a furlough that saves only $68,000.  With raises proposed to the District Office, the furlough IS STILL A RAISE!

EMAIL the Olympia School District BoardSuperintendent Patrick MurphyExecutive Director of Finance & Capital Planning Kate Davis, & the Student Representatives

ASK FOR LESS cuts to Librarians & Principals and more revenue from grants and Early Learning Opportunities.

The next OSD BOARD MEETING with the SECOND reading of the 2024-25 Budget is Thursday, JULY 11th at 6:30pm. Plan to COMMENT ONLINE OR IN PERSON! Signup is 8am-4pm on Wednesday, July 10th.

Early Learning IS Equity in Action!

Kids Playing

Access to effective, diverse programs breaks down structural barriers that have prevented all children–particularly children of color and children from disadvantaged families–from achieving their full potential.

Supporting Early Learning programs in elementary schools means children in these programs are:

  • Less likely to repeat a grade
  • More prepared academically for later grades
  • More likely to graduate from high school
  • Higher earners in the workforce

The benefits of high-quality programs from birth through age 5 do not end with one child but instead extend to their entire family, now and in the years to come.

Many Olympia families struggle to find safe, reliable child care and early learning for their children. If the Olympia School District would expand early learning options it would create a positive impact for all families. 

Write to the district and request more comprehensive, robust early learning be available at ALL OSD elementary schools! Grants are available. ASK the OSD to apply for them!

EMAIL the Olympia School District BoardSuperintendent Patrick MurphyExecutive Director of Finance & Capital Planning Kate Davis, & the Student Representatives.

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